Recontextualization of the “Todos a Aprender” program by the elementary teachers of the Ricabrisa Educational Institution

Recontextualización del programa “Todos a Aprender” por parte de los docentes de primaria de la I.E. Ricabrisa, Tarqui, Huila


Jessica Milena Vargas Paredes

This article presents the results of the study on the meanings of the recontextualization of the “Todos a Aprender” program from the perspective of the teachers of the rural elementary schools of the Ricabrisa educational institution from the municipality of Tarqui (Huila). The study was of a qualitative, phenomenological-critical nature. The information was collected through participant observation of the situated training of teachers and the application of semi-structured interviews in a personal way to teachers, tutors and PTA trainer; the content analysis was also carried out on the documents, audios and videos of the Todos a Aprender Program to understand the pedagogical discourse and its recontextualization.

After conducting the research, the teachers' sense regarding the implementation of the PTA was recognized, taking into account the characteristics of the multigrade classroom; finding that they tend to participate in various programs, in this case the PTA to strengthen their pedagogical practices. According to this, the teachers focused attention on the interests of the students, generating continuous communication and valuing their knowledge. In this way, the PTA teaching methodology and discourse were restructured through recontextualization, taking into account that teachers explored various ways to train students through continuous reflection expressed in the learning community. This whole process led to the emergence of pedagogical identities as a result of recontextualization.



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Author Biography / See

Jessica Milena Vargas Paredes, Ricabrisa Educational Institution of the municipality of Tarqui, Huila

Master in Education from the Surcolombiana University, professor at the Ricabrisa Educational Institution in the municipality of Tarqui, Huila.



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