Classroom experiences for the development of abilities and skills in the teaching of natural sciences in young schoolchildren


Sandra Vianney Fajardo Luis Calixto Charry Educational Institution, Garzón, Huila
Pavel Tovar Lizcano Caguancito Educational Institution, Garzón, Huila

The evaluation of the application of what was called "significant classroom experiences" for the teaching of natural sciences in a group of young people between 13 and 14 years of age, enrolled in an educational institution in Colombia, was carried out. A descriptive qualitative approach was applied, with a documentary analysis of the institutional pedagogical proposals and a series of eleven classroom experiences that were evaluated by means of rubrics to each of the students to monitor their performance in eight abilities and skills selected as essential in learning natural sciences.


In the documentary analysis it was found that there are approaches that seek student learning but, however, gaps were found that do not provide clarity on crucial elements such as the determination of the pedagogical model and its confusing praxis. Regarding the development of the experience sessions in the classroom, a positive change was evidenced in the performance of the students in terms of the eight abilities and skills evaluated in the rubrics, which allows us to conclude that the teaching-learning process of natural sciences, conditioned to the existence of clear and exhaustive pedagogical approaches in their didactics, accompanied by a shift in the conception of educational policies that facilitate experiential processes.



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Author Biographies / See

Sandra Vianney Fajardo, Luis Calixto Charry Educational Institution, Garzón, Huila

Doctor of Education from the Inter-American University of Education of Panama, Teacher of the Luis Calixto Charry Educational Institution, Garzón, Huila.

Pavel Tovar Lizcano, Caguancito Educational Institution, Garzón, Huila

Doctor of Education from the Inter-American University of Education of Panama, professor at the Caguancito Educational Institution, Garzón, Huila.

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