The effects of SIEE on the assessment process on the first grade at a public school in Huila


Andrea Carolina Buendía Arias Educational Institution La Merced, of the Pleasant Huila

Even though evaluation as assessment or reasoned judgment on issues and people is a natural process of language and communication, it takes a pejorative vision in educational contexts because tests and grades are culturally presented as a compulsory demand at school and work. From a perspective of evaluation as a process of permanent dialogue concerning knowledge, culture, citizenship and life projects, this qualitative ethnographic study shows the roles and perceptions of first-grade teachers from a public school in Huila. This research sought to analyze the procedures and effects of the SIEE on first-grade assessment practices through observation, conversation/interviews, focus groups, and analysis of documents such as the institutional educational project (PEI) and those used either in virtual or face-to-face classroom environments. The results showed teachers’ lack of knowledge about the evaluation legislation, the absence of self-training to understand the social meaning of formative assessment, and teachers’ decisions to transform the pedagogical and assessment visions and practices. The work with rubrics in project-based pedagogy is the horizon and the challenge to guarantee the cohesion of the Institutional System for the Evaluation of Student Learning. This thesis is a support to achieve it.



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Author Biography / See

Andrea Carolina Buendía Arias, Educational Institution La Merced, of the Pleasant Huila


Master in Education from the Surcolombiana University. Coordinator of the La Merced Educational Institution, in Agrado Huila.



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