Rural contexts: perfect excuse to transform realities through scientific research

Contextos rurales: pretexto perfecto para transformar realidades a través de la investigación científica


Aldemar Morales Loaiza

The present writing is the product of the Problematic of Research in Higher Education seminar under that premise, the fundamental bases to approach research as a transversal axis in the reflection of Colombian educational praxis are consolidated. Additionally, the approach of scientific research in rural contexts is proposed as an investigative opening, a challenge that must be carefully analyzed in the way of including this pillar contemporaneously from the critical social point of view in communities such as those of the coffee growing areas of southern Colombia. It is in this sense that scientific research is perceived as a pedagogical strategy from other paradigms, with the entry of new conceptions of science, allowing the gap between the production of knowledge with the master researcher «which makes it possible through their practice» (Jiménez Mejía, M., 2009, 2011). In addition to this, the possible application of the previous notions in the construction of a singular proposal in a social group where the real importance of providing answers to specific problems, based on the fermentation of coffee, and its economic impact and Social; It is estimated that by consolidating this proposal, it will produce a categorical rupture with the idea of universality and the reductionist sense of science, in the intellectual field of education (Díaz, M., 1995).



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Author Biography / See

Aldemar Morales Loaiza, South Colombian University

Graduate in Natural Sciences: Physics, Chemistry and Biology from the Surcolombiana University. Chemical Group for Environmental Research and Development —Quidea. South Colombian University.

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