Educational decentralization in colombia as a process of innovation and improvement: ¿reality or utopia?

Descentralización educativa en colombia como proceso de innovación y mejoramiento: ¿realidad o utopía?


Edthy Castro Montañez
Andres Sánchez Gómez
Kleeder José Bracho Pérez

Through this article, it will be intended an approximated descriptive analysis of the decentralization process of monetary and human resources, which has characterized that endeavor to innovate the centralized administration system of the education sector. This system was maintained in Colombia since the early 70's, but was modified during the 90's. Throughout its texts, the most relevant characteristics of the administration of resources of our Colombian system are exposed in the basic levels of public education, which has been distinguished by its deficiencies in quality and curricular content, and by a coverage that is often scarce for the majority of the population whose material and economic resources are limited; this population usually dwells in the most remote regions and municipalities inside the geographic territory of Colombia.



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Author Biographies / See

Edthy Castro Montañez, University of Pamplona of Colombia

Specialist in Community, Family and Community Educational Counseling and Guidance from the University of Pamplona. Full-time Professor at the University of Pamplona in Colombia.

Andres Sánchez Gómez, University of Pamplona of Colombia

Master of Education from the Curtin University of Perth - W. Australia. Master of Sports Administration, Edith Cowan University, Perth-W. Australia. Professor of the University of Pamplona in Colombia.

Kleeder José Bracho Pérez, University of Pamplona, ​​Colombia

PhD in Educational Sciences from the Private University Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín (Venezuela). Full-time Professor at the University of Pamplona, ​​Colombia.

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