Coherence between Self-Evaluation and Improvement Plan in order to renew the High Quality accreditation of the Master's Degree in Education of the Universidad Surcolombiana
The researched work was carried out around the self-assessment process and the improvement plan developed within the Master's Degree in Education, with the purpose of renewing the High Quality Accreditation.
The author presents the results found in the central documents that support the research, allowing relevant aspects to be characterized, the clarity and viability of the improvement actions and the participatory and collaborative design of the program's action plan to be contrasted.
This study was developed through a qualitative approach, using the method of Participatory Action Research – PAR. From the voice of each participant, the reality of each challenge-project that structures the central problem of what was investigated is made visible, taking into consideration the opinions and suggestions that gave rise to the consolidation of contributions/proposals that make the Program Improvement Plan viable.
The author tried to bring changes and improve the processes within the program, through dialogue and opinion with the different social subjects.
The process included the participation of students, graduate students, research teachers and administrators of the Master's Degree in Education. Among the instruments used were the interview and the group forum, as well as the documentary review of the national and institutional regulations and policies of the Program.
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