Technology and education

Tecnología y educación


Liberio Salazar Trujillo, Magister

In the concept of some people, the production and implementation of technology is one of the most eloquent indicators of the progress of a specific cultural context in its various social practices. That is why, the ages of history have been established from technological milestones: expressions such as the age of stone, iron or bronze, as well as those of industrial stage, century of communications or cybernetic, allude to the capacity of the man to instrumentalize these elements from his conceptual domain.

However, in the last centuries, the phenomenon of accelerating social processes has given technology an unsuspected importance, even equating it with the borders of today's civilization.



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Author Biography / See

Liberio Salazar Trujillo, Magister, Surcolombian University

Licenciatura en Filosofía y Ciencias- Religiosas, -Universidad Santo Tomás.
Especialización en Educación / Filosofía- Colombiana, -Universidad Santo Tomás. Especialización en Docencia Universitaria - Universidad Santo Tomás.
Maestría en Educación / Filosofía- Latinoamericana -Universidad Santo Tomás.
Docente Facultad de Educación, Departamento de Artes, Programa de Educación Artística de la Universidad Surcolombiana.


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