Other decolonial paths for research in comparative education
Comparative education is a field of study that proposes to analyze the formulation and implementation of educational policies, programs, and systems. In scientific production in comparative education in Latin America, two different narratives can be identified: One that is guided by transnationalization and promotes a common framework to influence public policies of national education systems, with a great influence of international organizations and, on the other hand, a critical narrative to that model and that is proposed decolonial. Coloniality is based on the historical imposition of classification of people based on the Eurocentric vision, which went on to classify and define each of the dimensions of individual and social existence. With the naturalization of this process of domination and the hegemony of the discourses, the forms of coloniality of power, of being and of knowledge are established, which, at present, aiming at maintaining the structures of power from the establishment of a unique pattern of knowledge, of seeing the world and ourselves. This text aims to explain the differences between the two trends in the field of studies in comparative education, as opposed to a hegemonic perspective of international organizations to a perspective thatin their proposal and work brings other possibilities of knowledge production in Latin America, with influence for the educational policies of the region. To achieve the proposed objective, a bibliographic review of the field of comparative education, focused on the epistemological discussion, it was conducted in contrast to the approach given by studies promoted by international organizations to an approach based on cultural studies and decolonial thinking, present in postgraduate programs in education inthe region. It is concluded that a decolonial perspective for comparative education research means more than "What we can learn from each other" and less "What can others teach us?"
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