EMI Strategy to English Foreign Language Inclusion in the Learning Spaces for a Science Program in Natural Sciences and Environmental Education

Estrategia EMI para la inclusión de la lengua extranjera inglés en los ambientes de aprendizaje de un programa de Licenciatura en Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental


Carolina Salamanca Leguizamón
Sonia Cristina Ramírez Sierra
Laura Fernanda Fernández Ardila
Michell Smith Reyes Centeno

The inclusion of a foreign language English in the subjects of professional academic programs constitutes a challenge for most teachers, which is worth taking on since its effectiveness in improving students' communicative skills has been demonstrated. To fulfill this purpose, this research assumes English as the medium of instruction (EMI) approach with students of the Bachelor's degree program in Natural Sciences and Environmental Education. Evaluative-descriptive qualitative research was conducted with a convenience sample of three volunteer teachers and 67 students participating in the activities. The techniques and instruments used were the documentary analysis of the didactic sequences designed and a virtual survey to identify the perception of teachers and students regarding the research categories. For the inclusion of the English language in the subjects, the researcher and a teacher from the language area supported the volunteer teacher. The didactic sequences were designed according to the content of the class through the formulation of cognitive, procedural, and attitudinal competencies of low and high cognitive demand, these sequences allowed putting into practice the receptive communicative skills of the English language: reading and listening. The survey revealed a positive overall assessment, which offers certainty regarding each of its components, making it possible to generate a methodological route for replicating the process.



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