A critical review of the philosophical basis of pedagogical practices
This paper seeks to provide a philosophical foundation appropriate to the concept of pedagogical practice. The philosophical foundation is often presented for complete pedagogical theories, not for isolated aspects such as the topic we are addressing. For that reason, we postulate a complex theoretical framework with eight categories: three of the active life (work, action), three of the life of the spirit (thought, will, judgment) and two of the imagination (individual radical imagination, collective imagination instituting). This scheme is based fundamentally on Castoriadis and Arendt that converge on a common problem outlined by Kant. In that order of ideas, the pedagogical practices are part of the action analyzed by Arendt and clarified by Lobo. The logic that is followed is the dialogic in which, from the theoretical framework, the different points of view are compared and the successes and weak points are distinguished, in order to outline an approximate answer. As criteria, the principles of hermeneutics, coherence and adaptation to the context are used, but also the agreement with the available data. The application of the points of view of Arendt helps to detect neuralgic points of the concepts of pedagogical practice, but also allows to outline problems like the incorporation of the pardon in the pedagogical action and which would be the sense of a pedagogy of the love.
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