The Escuela de Padres as a strategy to improve the academic performance of students

La escuela de padres como estrategia pedagógica para fortalecer el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes


Anabella García Torres García Torres

The academic performance of the students is one of the problems that has become in the main idea of those who are dedicated to this difficult labor of teaching. That is the reason why we carry out this research project, which the principal goal is based on determinate the influence of the "Escuela de Padres" as a strategy to improve the academic performance of Maria Cristina Arango school sede "Los Pinos" students in primary level. We based the research in the different cases (taking into account the qualitative approach), where was proved the lack of commitment from parents to get involve in their children educative process and as a consequence we get children with a low academic performance. This fact let us point out the importance to reinforce the Escuela de Padres as an educative strategy. Based on the results founded, we propose a pedagogical strategy which offers fundamental tools that let train the educative community in real time actions in solving problems between parents and sons interactions according to the affective - academic habits that are generated in the institutional and home-like students' environment.



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Author Biography / See

Anabella García Torres García Torres, Institución Educativa María Cristina Arango

Magister en Educación, Especialista en Educación Sexual, Especialista en Desarrollo Humano. Orientadora Escolar de la Institución Educativa María Cristina Arango.


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