Educators to think

Educadores a pensar


María Natalia del Pilar Duque Higuera

This project was conducted to determine the knowledge of Child Sexual

Abuse (CSA) in education undergraduate students. Participants were 116 senior students of the program and those doing the practices in schools from Surcolombian University in Neiva Huila - Colombia.

The study period covered the second half of 2015. A full scientific study was gathered about Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) supporting scholarly resources. Data was collected through a questionnaire process stating how much knowledge students have in regards to child sex abuse. The questions consisted of self- knowledge variables: The concept of child sexual abuse, the current laws and regulations within the country, and intervention to prevent child sex abuse. Additional questions posed were student's personal experience with child sex abuse in regard to how do they know how to report such cases.

Results from the questionnaire determined the students showed an inadequate level of knowledge, meaning the students cannot process a child sex abuse effectively. The knowledge of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)'sis unfortunately lower than the international groups.

In conclusion, there is an urgent need of training for these students in order for them to become advocates for abused children. The creation of such a program as Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) will help prevent and intervene on behalf of Colombian's future children. This is an ongoing need and will need to be monitored and evaluated as time goes by to insure regulations are being met.


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Author Biography / See

María Natalia del Pilar Duque Higuera, Universidad Surcolombiana

Magíster en Educación. Catedrática del Departamento de Psicopedagogía de la Universidad Surcolombiana.


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