For art education as diactica strategy to develop language skills


Fabián Urbano Mejía Universidad Surcolombiana

This article is the result of an investigation by the Education and Language Arts Ba- sic Skills and Communicative Competence are reading, listening, speaking and writing covered by Law 115 of 1994. Through this research it was possible to test the effecti- veness of the teaching strategy of Education through Art and Language Skills develop- ment. The problem addressed was the teaching of traditional education, the teaching of the Spanish language, difficulties in the development of the Linguistic Skills of the children in the third, fourth and fifth of School Paradise Pando based educational Oak the municipality of Algeciras. The research question was:  How do you develop throu- gh art education (Playful Dramatic) Linguistic Skills Children Third to fifth Pando Oak Township Algeciras in 2014?


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Author Biography / See

Fabián Urbano Mejía, Universidad Surcolombiana

Magíster en Educación Universidad Sulcolombiana


Ley General de Educación 115 de 1994 Ministerio Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá 1991

Mejía Jiménez Marco Raúl y otros. Revista Paca número cinco. CICE. Universidad Surcolombiana. Neiva. 2013

Read, Herbert. Educación por el Arte. Barcelona. Ediciones Paidós Ibérica. 1982

Lowenfeld Viktor. Desarrollo de la capacidad creadora. Buenos Aires. Editorial Kapelusz. 1992

Morales Álvarez Justo y Cortes María Teresa. Discurso y desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en la Educación Básica. Universidad Surcolombiana. Neiva. 1997

Lomas, Carlos. El Enfoque Comunicativo de la enseñanza de la lengua. Girón. Editorial Educador. 2000

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