Correlación entre el desarrollo perceptivo motriz y el coeficiente intelectual


Víctor Alfonso Cortes Universidad Surcolombiana

The object  of the research  was to find a correlation between  perceptual  motor develop- ment (DPM) and the level of intelligence  (IQ) of children  under  12 years of school gua- yabal Suaza Township, Huila, this in order to show how the motor worked from the area of Physical Education  is important in human  and intellectual development. And Combat enduring  cognitive  approach  in  educational  institutions,  seeking  to end  the  low social and  academic  consideration   which  includes  areas  such  as  arts,  ethics,  but  especially physical  education.   To  achieve  the  objectives,  it  was  necessary  to  do  research from the  quantitative  approach,   a transverse  complemented non-experimental  design.  The results showed  a correlation  between  the  level of perceptual motor  development  and intelligence level. The test allowed DPM measure  motor perceptual  abilities (sub-factors DPM)  separately,  and which  of these identified further correlated with intelligence.  After doing  the analysis  of results,  and  together  with  the existing  theoretical  information,  it is concluded that  the  Perceptual  Motor  Development  has  a  significantly  high  positive correlation  with IQ  of children  under  12 years of School  Guayabal, due to the influence have  these capabilities  in making,  organization  and  flow of information.



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Author Biography / See

Víctor Alfonso Cortes, Universidad Surcolombiana

Magíster  en Educación Universidad  Sulcolombiana


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