Institutional self-assessment from the voices of the subjects

Autoevaluación institucional desde las voces de los sujetos


María Evita Dussán Calderón
Alayam Abiv Valderrama Rodríguez

What is happening to the institutional self-assessment in the educative establishments of the public sector? Is there a culture of self-evaluation in the educative establishments? Is time to give a new meaning to the institutional self-assessment?

The institutional self-assessment is part of the activities ritual that are done by the teachers every year in the educative institutions supported by the Guía 34 issued by the government in 2008. This document developed from the strategic planning vision, and proposes three steps that include the selfassessment, improvement plan, and monitoring of the improvement plan; divide the school reality into four managements, nineteen processes and ninety-four components, based on the collecting and use of evidences.

This paper explores the reality of self-assessment process done in some educative establishments of the city of Neiva, and focuses its attention on one of the most representative of the local context. It uses techniques of documental analysis and focal groups to inquire from the voices of the subjects. It collects their perceptions of the process, the tensions between the normed and what is really happening in the territory of the school, and leads to new visions made up from the dialogue of knowledge among the subjects who are traditionally involved, with the presence of new parts that claims participation and inclusion. The participation of boys and girls deserve all the attention and recognition as subjects who are able to think “outside of the box” and proposes innovative solutions for the problems of their contexts, contributing to the resignification of the self-assessment process.



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