Factors that affect the entrance to higher education of graduates from the Silvania educational institution

Factores que afectan el ingreso a la educación superior de los egresados de la i.e. Silvania


Ángela Andrea Rojas Muñoz

Although higher education should be a fundamental and mandatory right, in rural areas there are great difficulties in entering higher education institutions due to the influence of various factors such as the mentalities of peasant families, the poverty of the rural sector and the wide gap between urban and rural public education. Therefore, it was made an attempt to analyze what factors make difficult for students graduated from the I.E. Silvania in the rural area of the municipality of Gigante-Huila access higher education.

In this investigation it was found that the economic factor is a determining factor for the entrance of the graduates to higher education, in the same way the social factor is decisive because the students see the obligation to help their parents and carry out work in the field due to family needs and the absence of opportunities in the region. All of the above, complemented by the inefficiency of public policies to reduce regional inequalities, not to mention that the professors of the I.E. little or nothing incentivize students about the benefits of higher education and the opportunities for a better quality of life that it brings.



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