Turning Point Software as a facilitating resource for learning trigonometry

El software turning point como recurso facilitador para el aprendizaje de la trigonometría


Leidy Milena Pastrana Zambrano

The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of the use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) as a resource facilitator in the learning process of trigonometry (trigonometric functions), using the TURNING POINT technological software tool for Mathematics students in the tenth grade of Humberto Tafur Charry School in Neiva, Colombia. An empiricalanalytical approach to quasi-experimental type was used, establishing an experimental group and a control group. A pretest was conducted to determine prior knowledge of the two groups; three classes were designed with the same topics but using in the experiment group Turning Point software, and control group was taught using a traditional class methodology as well as their corresponding tests to check understanding of the topics covered by the different methodologies. Finally, a post-test was applied, yielding 29.41% of the experimental group passed the exam, while 17.64% approved the test in the control group, which shows that there was a significant improvement by students in understanding the subjects using the Turning Point tool.



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