The impact of the institutional educational project of INPEC on a group of post-convicted women

El impacto del proyecto educativo institucional del INPEC en un grupo de mujeres pospenadas


Adriana Yisela López García

This research article exposes the main aspects of the systematization of experiences: the impact of the institutional educational project of INPEC on a group of post-sentenced women, as a means of reflecting on the relationship between prison education and the processes of resocialization. The general objective of this writing is to systematize an experience in the field of prison education to make visible and reflect on the impacts of the INPEC educational project on the qualification of a group of post-sentenced women. The type of research is approached through the socio-critical paradigm that is characterized by a continuous action-reflection-action, developed through the method of systematizing educational experiences. The main findings allow us to see that prison educational models are subject to a series of factors that influence organizational design, establishment, administration and governance. In addition, that the living conditions in a prison are among the main factors that determine the empowerment of the human being serving a sentence in that sense of self-esteem and dignity with which they are treated in the penitentiary center delimits the possibility of the PPL of be successful in the process of reintegrating into society as a law-abiding citizen.



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Author Biography / See

Adriana Yisela López García, National Penitentiary Institute - INPEC

Magíster en Educación de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Inspector en Instituto Nacional Penitenciario – INPEC.

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