Citizen training in the Psychology program of the National Open and Distance University, CEAD Ibagué

Formación ciudadana en el programa de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, CEAD Ibagué


Natalia Arbeláez Gallego
José Julián Ñañez Rodríguez

This article presents the assessment and contribution of the Psychology program of the UNAD, CEAD Ibagué, in relation to the citizen training of its students, through the analysis of the Solidarity Pedagogical Academic Project (PAPS) and Study Plan of the program of Psychology of the UNAD. Methodologically it is of mixed approach, with a descriptive scope from the case study. It was also established, focus audiences formed by the student community of the Psychology program of CEAD Ibagué, composed of a sample of 18 students who are doing their professional practices. Likewise, a group of five (5) teachers from the Psychology program of the CEAD Ibagué who participated in the training of the internship students and another group of five (5) graduates of the Psychology program of the CEAD Ibagué for the focus group. On the other hand, the instruments applied were: the documentary review, the survey and the focus group. The data is analyzed through the triangulation of information. Therefore, it was established that the significant assessment was expressed when there was a link in the discourse of teachers, students and graduates with the guidelines of the UNAD expressed in various documents such as the PAPS and the guidelines of the Psychology program, because in each one of these components of analysis took into account citizen training as a way to address and dimension social problems.



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Author Biographies / See

Natalia Arbeláez Gallego, Cooperative University of Colombia Ibagué Headquarters

Magíster en Educación de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Profesora Tiempo Completo de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Sede Ibagué.

José Julián Ñañez Rodríguez, Tolima University

Doctor en Educación de la Universidad del Tolima. Profesor de la Universidad del Tolima.

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