Proposal for pedagogical innovation at the San José Teaching Center in the municipality of Aipe, Huila

Propuesta de innovación pedagógica en el Centro Docente San José del municipio de Aipe, Huila


Ana Elizabeth Lozada Pinto
Lorena Marcela Castro Aldana
Tania Lorena Medina Rojas

The research article shows the experience that originated in the eighties at the San José Teaching Center in the municipality of Aipe (Huila), the product of a group of teachers inspired and motivated by the rise of the pedagogical movement in response to the government’s educational reforms, which sought to turn the teacher into a simple administrator of the curriculum and content player. In this way, an alternative proposal for educational innovation began to be generated, inspired by critical pedagogy and popular education, opening paths through research projects, taking into account its social and cultural environment. The objective is to systematize the experience through the voices of the educational community. Through the qualitative and critical-social approaches, it seeks to reconstruct, interpret and generate new categories that emerge and that are vital to promote educational innovation. The main findings of the experience went beyond the simple reproduction of content that is already defined and began with the protagonism of the children to investigate topics that the context demanded in the environments of their neighborhoods, the community, the river, the orchards and situations that any moment they could awaken the interest of the students with a permanent and reflective accompaniment of the teachers and the families.



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Author Biographies / See

Ana Elizabeth Lozada Pinto, Infant Jesus of Prague Educational Institution

Magíster en Educación de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Docente de la Institución Educativa Niño Jesús de Praga de Ibagué.

Lorena Marcela Castro Aldana, University Antonio Narino

Magíster en Educación de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Docente de la Universidad Antonio Nariño.

Tania Lorena Medina Rojas, Chapinero educational institution

Magíster en Educación de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Docente de la Institución educativa Chapinero de Neiva.

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