Painting: a didactic proposal for the learning regarding the conflicts associated to the use of water

La pintura: propuesta didáctica para el aprendizaje sobre los conflictos asociados al uso del agua


Jeniffer Katherine Cabrera Torres

The aim of this research investigation is to analyze the learning output exhibited by the 6° students from the Educational Institution of Caguán, Neiva, on the availability and conflicts related to the use of the water supplied by The Neme stream through the application of a didactic sequence based on painting.

A mixed method research design was used to develop the objective of this study. In a nutshell, it consists of a qualitative analysis, in which the phenomenological design was taken into account since it allowed students to reflect on their conceptions and relationships with water, through painting as a component within the didactic sequence that makes it possible to explore the sense and meaning that students create in relation to a natural resource of vital use. Finally, concerning the quantitative analysis, the quasi-experimental design was used, which was carried out with a non-equivalent control group (CG: 603 grade students) and it was also included an experimental group also known as treatment group (EG: 604 grade students) on which the didactic sequence was applied.

Finally, the students of the experimental group (EG) acquired the competences of Natural Science and Environmental Education, recognizing local water resources and proposing strategies to conserve and/or preserve the key stone ecosystem components still available in The Neme stream and its surroundings.



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Author Biography / See

Jeniffer Katherine Cabrera Torres, Galician Educational Institution of La Plata, Huila

Master in Education from the Surcolombiana University. Teacher of the Galician Educational Institution of La Plata, Huila.

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