A look at the pedagogical approach and quality of higher education in colombia a study at the Surcolombiana University

Mirada al enfoque pedagógico y calidad de educación superior colombiana. Un estudio en la Universidad Surcolombiana


Rodrigo Castañeda Mogollón

In 2020, the execution of a research project entitled "Incidence of the Pedagogical Model on the Quality of Higher Education in Colombia" begins in a group of research professors from some universities in the country. The group Network of Researchers in Pedagogy and Didactics of Language and Literature of the University of Tolima participated in said study in agreement with the Santo Tomás University led by Master Luis Alfonso Ramírez Peña. In Bogotá, the universities involved were the Santo Tomás University, Pedagógica Nacional, Juan N. Corpas and San Buenaventura; in Ibagué, the University of Ibagué and Tolima University; in Neiva, the Surcolombiana University. In this report of the final phase of the investigation, among the questions addressed, in summary, is the question: What is the state of the quality of higher education in Colombia that allows it to adequately respond to the needs of cultures and organizations profoundly changing and uncertain social conditions of the 21st century? found at Surcolombiana, as in other universities addressed, that the requirements of the National Accreditation Commission in Colombia (CNA) are reduced to the paradigms of the past where the teacher is the possessor of knowledge and the student assumes its transfer and transit in the learning processes.



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Author Biography / See

Rodrigo Castañeda Mogollón, Tolima University

Master in Linguistics from the Technological University of Pereira. RUDECOLOMBIA doctoral student at the University of Tolima. Professor at the University of Tolima.

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