Sumak Kawsay school of life. A pedagogical experience oriented to good living

Escuela de vida Sumak Kawsay. Una experiencia pedagógica orientada al buen vivir


Lina María Murcia Castañeda
Mitchel Zabala Archila
Olimpo Dussán Gonzales

This investigation is about a journey that unfolds in the creation of a Pedagogical Classroom. Answer to the question <<How has the Sumak Kawsay (school of life) materialized in El Vivero el Cortijo, where life is given new meaning from the respect of the natural order and care of water?>>. Formulated the definition of the Problem: the paradox that the contemporary world is experiencing, the excessive development of capitalism that calls into question Human life on Earth, which -according to all predictions- is <<threatened with next disappearance>>.

In the course of the pedagogical experience, the life story of Lina María Murcia Castañeda is liked with the Sumak Kawsay School conformation. The Territorial Creative Research Methodology, through its five moments, reveals the inputs that nourish the nascent pedagogical experience.

The results of the investigation define the contributions made by the pedagogical classroom, expressing the urgency in its verification and integration, from the tools of the Experiential Research the material and immaterial evidences of the journeys of the School of Life are presented.

Taking into account the conclusions, it is worth clarifying that the objective research methodology is limited to an operational step by step, while the methodology conceived from creative research confronts us with the unknown in the approach of the present continuous of the experiential journey.



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Author Biographies / See

Lina María Murcia Castañeda, Sumak Kawsay Life School

Master in Education from the Surcolombiana University. Teacher at the Sumak Kawsay School of Life. Rivera-Huila.

Mitchel Zabala Archila, Gwake and Ceiba Corporation

Professional in Literary Studies from the Javeriana University. He works at the Gwake y Ceiba Corporation as research director in Cundinamarca Salvaría, Vereda Victoria Alta.

Olimpo Dussán Gonzales, monserrate university

Specialist in Pedagogy and Culture at the Monserrate University of Bogotá. He works as a participant in Alternative pedagogical proposals in the South and interior of Colombia.

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