Coherence between the discourses, the commitments of social subjects and the basic pedagogical processes related to research in basic secondary and high school education


Cristian Arbey Cruz Hernández Santa Librada High School Educational Institution
Xiomara Natalia García Cedeño Santa Librada High School Educational Institution

This scientific article values coherence between the discourses, the commitments of social subjects and the basic pedagogical processes that are related to research in basic secondary and High School Education. The research investigates the existence or non-existence of coherence between the three categories -indicated discourses, basic pedagogical processes and the responsibility of social subjects (teachers and teaching directors)- taking into account that it is constantly raised within public policies. And the actions of the educational system build research, a discourse that is maintained and assumes a preponderant role in society; however, in educational practice it is necessary to recognize coherence. The research responds to recognizing the voices of social subjects, the interpretations that teachers have about the power of that discourse and how it is articulated in the pedagogical process, the response to the conditions that exist to carry out research, among others. Técnico Superior Educational Institution of Neiva is part of the voice of the investigative work: sixteen teachers, two teaching directors and the documents of the institution. Methodologically it is qualitative in nature, with an investigative approach of ethnographic study. The implemented instruments that obtained the expected results are the opinion agenda, in situ observation, forums and narratives and life stories. Based on the findings found, the information was codified in the Atlas ti software, outlining semantic networks that allow, from there, to build an intervention proposal to strengthen academic processes and improve educational quality.



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Author Biographies / See

Cristian Arbey Cruz Hernández, Santa Librada High School Educational Institution

Master in Education from the Surcolombiana University. Teacher of the Liceo de Santa Librada Educational Institution, Neiva, Huila.

Xiomara Natalia García Cedeño, Santa Librada High School Educational Institution

Master in Education from the Surcolombiana University. Teacher of the Liceo de Santa Librada Educational Institution, Neiva, Huila.

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