Collective stories in the community as a protective factor for children against the Covid-19 pandemic

Relatos colectivos en la comunidad como factor de protección para la niñez ante pandemia por Covid-19


Paulina Flores Trevizo
Jorge Alan Flores Flores

An analysis is proposed to demystify the supposed low impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has represented for the child population. Through a chronological description of the moments that this population went through, it is possible to make visible the disenfranchisement of rights that was perpetrated against children as a result of the pandemic. During the first moment they were made invisible, assuring that the virus did not affect them; the second moment stigmatized them, asserting that they were super contagious; and the third moment, when the emotional and physical crisis of this population group manifests, due to the impacts that the pandemic spark them off.

It is important to recognize this population group and assume that the pandemic also had a strong impact on them. We propose the tool of collective stories as a protection factor for children in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.



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Author Biographies / See

Paulina Flores Trevizo, Psychological Care Center for a Life Free of Violence, Alma Calma, A.C. Chihuahua, Mexico.

Master in Humanistic Research from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. Coordinator of the Psychological Care Center for a Life Free of Violence, Alma Calma, A.C. Chihuahua, Mexico.

Jorge Alan Flores Flores, Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico

PhD in Philosophy from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León. Secretary for Research and Graduate Studies; Full-time professor at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico.

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