Implementation of an interdisciplinary strategy based on the complexity approach in an educational institution

Implementación de una estrategia interdisciplinar desde el enfoque de la complejidad en una institución educativa


Emma Caviedes Cuellar
María Elsa Muñoz Valenzuela
Nohora Milena Charri Lerma
Carlos Javier Martínez Moncaleano

This article synthesizes the results of the research called “Implementation of a didactic and interdisciplinary strategy from the approach of complexity in the cultivation of the coffee plant”, which had the objective of strengthening the educational
processes of the third grade students of elementary school from the La Troja headquarters of the La Troja Educational Institution of Baraya, Huila.

The development process of the project was divided into four stages: first, a characterization of the motivational
factors of the students was made; then the didactic and interdisciplinary unit was designed from the complexity
approach, articulating the areas of mathematics, natural sciences and education. environment, social sciences
and language, considering contextual aspects; then the didactic unit composed of ten pedagogical guides was
implemented and, finally, a feedback was made.



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Author Biographies / See

Emma Caviedes Cuellar, Institution Antonio Baraya Educational

Master of Studies interdisciplinary complexity of the university South Colombian. Institution Antonio Baraya Educational.

María Elsa Muñoz Valenzuela, La Troja Educational Institution

Master of Studies interdisciplinary the complexity of the Surcolombiana University.

Nohora Milena Charri Lerma, La Troja Educational Institution

Master of Studies interdisciplinary the complexity of the Surcolombiana University. La Troja Educational Institution.

Carlos Javier Martínez Moncaleano, Surcolombiana University

Master in Interdisciplinary Studies of Complexity from the Universidad Surcolombiana. Guest Professor of the Surcolombiana University.

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