Critical thinking in the training of business administrators

Pensamiento crítico en la formación de las y los administradores de empresas


Luis Alejandro González Cabrera

This research explores the role of critical thinking as a training strategy in business administration programs at the University Surcolombiana and the Minuto de Dios University Corporation (Southern Region). It analyzes the curriculum proposals found
in the master documents of the programs and examines, through interviews, the academic community's use of didactic and evaluation strategies within the program. In conclusion, while there is a favorable disposition towards critical thinking, it is often narrowly understood and used merely as a cognitive skill for better reasoning, often without engaging in epistemological or social critique. This results in programs primarily focused on knowledge reproduction strategies. Nonetheless, the study highlights the importance of critical reasoning in the discipline and its potential for renewal.



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Luis Alejandro González Cabrera, University Minute of God, Garzón, Huila, Colombia

Master in Education Surcolombiana University. Corporation Teacher University Minute of God, Garzón, Huila, Colombia.

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