The Narrative of Life Stories in the Production of Oral Texts using Storytelling as a Didactic Proposal



The main purpose of this study was to establish the incidence of the Narrative of Life Stories in the Production of Oral Texts of the students of the fifth grade of the Educational Institution La Merced, Sede Nuestra Señora del Rosario del Agrado, Huila. It was done using the qualitative approach. The focal audience consisted of six fifth grade students, who were randomly
chosen considering the equitable participation of boys and girls. To collect the information, the technique of intentional dialogue, direct and indirect observation, pedagogical mediation and the evaluation rubric were used. The information analysis was carried out using the triangulation technique. The results are presented taking into account each of the techniques used
to gather information. These results give evidential strength and lead to the solution of the research question. It is concluded that the narrative of life stories affects the oral production of fifth grade students, through culture, representation, preferences, setting and accompaniment; categories that were evidenced in the analysis of each of the stories produced. Likewise,
the oral production of the fifth grade students was characterized from the intentional dialogue, which allowed to know the level of oral production of the participants.



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Author Biographies / See

Martha Solís Losada Paredes, south colombian university

Master in Education from the Universidad Surcolombiana.

Miranma Durán Barreiro, south colombian university

Master in Education from the Universidad Surcolombiana.

Mercy Lili Peña Morales, south colombian university

Doctor in Curriculum and Teaching. Teacher of the Surcolombiana University.

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