Interview with Aura Elena Bernal de Rojas: Dean of the faculty of education

Entrevista con Aura Elena Bernal de Rojas: Decana de la Facultad de Educación


Revista Paideia Surcolombiana

We talked with Professor Aura Elena Bernal de Rojas, Dean of the faculty of education, we knew her thoughts about the faculty, professors, students, workgroups, her academic projects, her thought about the 272 decree, and other aspects. We present this conversation to our readers, so they can have a more real vision of the person who guides the education in Universidad Surcolombiana. 

Q: After four months of deanship, how do you feel?; how are you feeling the position?; do you feel that it is a job that makes you grow and lets you make region and country?



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Author Biography / See

Revista Paideia Surcolombiana, Universidad Surcolombiana

Revista de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Surcolombiana

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