Education, pedagogy and pedagogic models

Educación, pedagogía y modelos pedagógicos


Aura Elena Bernal de Rojas

Education is the best tool* to build the society, because it is the link that joints the community with the culture, the means by which civilizations are recreated and advanced and the mechanism by which individuals are prepared for their autonomous and social development. Therefore, education has been a subject of interest at all times and is an essential element when it comes to shaping the future.

Today at a world level, education has a strategic position in a new millennium characterized by the knowledge revolution, the development of communications, the globalization of the economy and the deployment of social dynamics.



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Author Biography / See

Aura Elena Bernal de Rojas, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesora Departamento de Psicopedagogia, Universidad Surcolombiana


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Bernal de Rojas, Aura Elena. Pedagogía y Modelos Pedagógicos. Conferencia. Universidad Surcolombiana. Neiva, marzo de 1998.

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Zuluaga, Olga Lucía. Pedagogía e Historia. Ediciones Foro Nacional por Colombia. Bogotá, 1987.

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