Curriculum integration around the management of school environmental projects (PRAES): The richness of the water resources of the city of Neiva

Integración curricular en torno a la gestión de proyectos ambientales escolares (PRAES): La riqueza de los recursos hídricos de la ciudad de Neiva


Alhim Adonai Vera S.
Álvaro Avendaño Rodríguez
Fabio Losada Pérez
Fanny Mercedes González Pinzón

Surcolombiana University involved to preserve the wealth of water resources of the city of Neiva, has developed with teachers and students a study of their streams to build through school environmental projects (PRAES) a new way of living in harmony with water sources. It is aimed to propose a new lifestyle with the support of educational institutions that allow us through the training of citizens, enjoy the water, which is already becoming scarce in the city.

The Universidad Surcolombiana is immersed in a proposal that inevitably involves the transformation of political, economic, academic, urban, productive, business, commercial, and community values in the face of the future of the preservation of streams due to its implications for the welfare of the population.



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