The work of the artist Jaime Lopez Correa

La Obra del artista Jaime López Correa


Jaime Ruíz Solórzano

This article constitutes a preview of the research project titled “Jaime López Correa. Six looks to approach his work”\ in which the methodology of historic research has been applied, based on the analysis of primary sources as catalogues, newspapers, mail and oral information; likewise, on secondary sources found in books, magazines and web pages.

The project is directed in spreading the life and works of maestro Jaime López Correa and to announce the collection belonging to the painter Guillermo Garzón Romero, made up of 50 works, and the collection of the Arboleda Muñoz family and their descendants, made up of 100 original works, most of them unknown to the diverse regional and national audiences.

The research also has the purpose to compile both the critical texts produced throughout the artistic career of the artist and the interviews given by the maestro Jaime López Correa. This purpose is relevant to the extent that a documentary archive is established in order to carry out future research about such an outstanding creator.

The article covers the introduction; the analysis of the development of the artist's work, comparing the topics, contents, forms and techniques of the works created between 1948 and 2006; as well as a short mention of the most important public work of Jaime López Correa, located in the city of Neiva.



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Author Biography / See

Jaime Ruíz Solórzano, Universidad Surcolombiana

Magister en Historia. Estudiante de Doctorado de Estudios Sociales de la Universidad del Externado de Colombia.

Universidad Surcolombiana. Neiva. Colombia.


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