Biodiversity as a reference to promote the conservation of Colombia’s ecosystems

La biodiversidad como referente para promover la conservación de los ecosistemas colombianos


Alejandro Henao-Castro

Biodiversity, more than a concept, can be understood as the sum of different components that are not only limited to the number of species in a given place, but also the prevailing conditions of such place, as well as the variations that are part of the natural dynamics of both biotic and abiotic components on different scales of time and space. Considering the above and, despite of the great importance that biodiversity represents for the well-being of humanity, the current trend results in an accelerated and uncontrolled advance of the loss of biodiversity in every ecosystems of the planet. This problem is the result of the synergy of multiple factors, that together, lead to a less than encouraging outlook. This writing aims to reinforce the concept and theories that originated the current biodiversity, the state of knowledge of Colombia’s biodiversity and, in addition, addresses the factors that influence the biodiversity loss, all of this, in order to consider environmental education as a powerful tool to counteract the negative effects of the current behavior of human beings.



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Author Biography / See

Alejandro Henao-Castro, Educational Institution Luis Carlos López

Magíster en Ciencias Marinas de la Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Estudiante de Doctorado en Educación y Cultura Ambiental Universidad Surcolombiana, Colombia. Docente de la Institución Educativa Luis Carlos López, Cartagena de Indias (Colombia).

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