The contribution of “the aesthetic” and “the sensitive” in the formation of early childhood

The contribution of “the aesthetic” and “the sensitive” in the formation of early childhood


Laura Magaly Naranjo Arce Teacher at the Tolima Conservatory
José Leonardo Ruíz Méndez Surcolombiana University

The study of musical formation has been a topic of interest in the educational field, as it has allowed us to recognize the importance it has in human development as a possibility of experiencing “the aesthetic” and “the sensitive.” This research
aimed to understand how these concepts contribute to the processes of formation of corporeality in early childhood. Through the observation and description of musical and sound experiences, and the interpretation of these, three trends were obtained that occurred in the aesthetic exchanges during the execution of musical and sound workshops applied in the preparation
of this study, which are the manifestation of the sensitivities, corporalities and family ties of infants. To arrive at such descriptions, an observation grid was developed that accounted for the how and why of the behaviors that belong to “the aesthetic” and “the sensitive” and what is observable about them through a qualitative-interpretive approach. Through the
description, information was obtained that facilitated the reconstruction of the reality of those who were observed and interpretations were generated.

This research did not aim to find answers or data represented in numbers and measurements, but rather through observation, part and parcel of the life experiences of the universe studied was realized.

Once such manifestations of aesthetic exchanges are described and interpreted, the idea about the relationship between “the sensitive” and “the aesthetic” from the musical and the sound in the early childhood training processes is developed and it is demonstrated that the body, experiences, sounds, discoveries, spontaneity, words, melodies, singularity, are links that mesh with each other within the learning process, thus having to transcend the context of the artistic area, so that it also makes part of the entire training task. For all of the above, it is clear that the method used for this study is qualitative and is also a hermeneutic approach, since it promises to provide interpretations, appropriations and compressions of various experiences or realities such as the observed experiences.


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Biografía del autor/a / Ver

Laura Magaly Naranjo Arce, Teacher at the Tolima Conservatory

Graduate in Music. Teacher at the Tolima Conservatory.

José Leonardo Ruíz Méndez, Surcolombiana University

Doctor in Education and Environmental Culture from the Universidad Surcolombiana. Professor at the Surcolombiana University.


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