Design and implementation of robotic tools for teaching mathematics in tecnoacademia

Diseño e implementación de herramientas robóticas para la enseñanza de las matemáticas en la tecnoacademia


Karol Johana Zambrano Cruz
Diego Camilo Celada Lozada

During the teaching-learning process of human beings, mathematics play a significant role in their daily lives, allows them to orient, make judgments about shapes and distances, or calculate the distribution of objects in space. Considering learning as a daily process of building knowledge, teaching will aim to guide the process. In that sense, this paper presented a pedagogical strategy that allowed the teaching-learning of applied mathematics in plane geometry and algebraic expressions, move to be from a simple thematic, to engage the learner in understanding the ways that nature offers. From this view, the aim of this research was to design and implement strategies supported on robotics platforms tools to improve math skills among eighth grade students at Tecnoacademia from Neiva, considering the theory of Multiple Intelligences by Gardner and Meaningful Learning of Ausubel and Vygotsky. The methodology was of quantitative approach, selecting 36 students as experimental group at two points. It was implemented robotic tools for teaching mathematics. Likewise, it was validated the effectiveness of this strategy using the statistical test of Wilcoxon Rank. As a result, it was obtained the design of two robots that allow for learners to facilitate and increase the significant improvement in problem solving about area, perimeter, algebraic expressions and also infer that the planning of teaching strategies are crucial to cognitive development of students in a training environment.



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Author Biographies / See

Karol Johana Zambrano Cruz, Servicio Nacional de aprendizaje (SENA)

Magíster en Educación. Facilitadora Tecnoacademia del Servicio Nacional de aprendizaje (SENA).

Diego Camilo Celada Lozada, Servicio Nacional de aprendizaje (SENA)

Ingeniero electrónico. Facilitador del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA).


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