Audiovisual professional training and occupational performance in social communicators and journalists


Hernando Alfonso Cerón Carlosama San Antonio del Pescado Educational Institution, Garzón, Huila
Juan Carlos Acebedo Restrepo South Colombian University

The Surcolombiana University is involved in the dynamics of presence in the territory. Due to the above, it consolidates the opening of undergraduate programs in the headquarters of the three main municipalities of Huila: Pitalito, Garzón and La Plata. In Pitalito, starting in 2014, the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences opened the undergraduate program in Social Communication and Journalism. This emerges academically linked to the main campus of Neiva. After more than 6 years of opening, its graduates begin to get involved in job and professional opportunities in the context. This research analyzes the characteristics of the audiovisual professional training of the graduates of the Social Communication and Journalism program of the Usco (Pitalito headquarters) and its relationship with the communicative demands of the environment and with their occupational performance, in the period 2018 to 2020.

A mixed methodology was used, which combined qualitative and quantitative techniques, with a predominance of the former, such as semi-structured interviews and focus groups. The approach related three fundamental theoretical categories: Audiovisual professional training, Occupational performance and Curriculum.
The investigation showed the prevalence of a low percentage of occupation of the graduates in activities related to their professional training, and the existence of tensions between the occupational demands by employers, the tools provided in their training and their own exercise in the field labor. On the other hand, the appreciations and proposals of the graduates were collected and synthesized aimed at advancing a curricular renewal that provides theoretical, practical and technical knowledge, which allows them to better perform in the workplace in the region.



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Author Biographies / See

Hernando Alfonso Cerón Carlosama, San Antonio del Pescado Educational Institution, Garzón, Huila

Master in Education from the Surcolombiana University. Teacher at the San Antonio del Pescado Educational Institution, Garzón, Huila.

Juan Carlos Acebedo Restrepo, South Colombian University

PhD in Communication from the National University of La Plata. Professor at the Surcolombiana University.

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