In the 200 years of Kant's dead

En los docientos años de la muerte de Kant


Wisberto Navarro Salcedo

In this article, it is highlighted the role of kant in the epistemology, in what is its philosophical revolution and how it compares with the transformation that empirical-analytical science made in knowledge, both in its methods and its ends. The proposals of empiricism and rationalism are analyzed and contrasted with the Kantian. Finally it is exposed in which the originality of Kant is based on the theory of knowledge.



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Author Biography / See

Wisberto Navarro Salcedo, Universidad Surcolombiana

Magister en Filosofia
Docente departamento de Psicopedagogía
Facultad de Educación


Kant, Manuel (1985). Critica de la razón pura. Orbis, Pág. 130.

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