The Bachelor of Social Sciences. Justification of the State of Education program in the area of the Bachelor's Program in Social Sciences

La Licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales. Justificación del programa Estado de la Educación en el área del Programa de la Licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales


Revista Paideia Surcolombiana

Education in Social Sciences in the sixties and seventies was characterized by "memorizing endless lists of unconnected names, dates, insubstantial anecdotes, repeating the names of the geographic features of Colombia and the international field"; in front of it, it was necessary to know precise data like the capitals and the currency of the countries; and a number of events that were presented without any analysis where the heroes endowed with extraordinary virtues, performed great feats being the important and visible actors in the stories.

In this educational scheme, teachers have the role of investigating, storing and transmitting knowledge, while students have the role of uncritical consumers



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Alzate Torres, Ximena (2008). Transformación de la Realidad Social a Través de la Educación En Ciencias Sociales. Manizales (Colombia), 4 (1): 63-73, enero - junio de 2008.

García Valencia, Alejandro David., Barrero Galindo, Martha Isabel y otros (2009). Prácticas Pedagógicas en Diez Instituciones Educativas de Neiva. Universidad Surcolombiana. Neiva.

Torres, William Fernando (2002), La Ebriedad de los Apóstoles. Editorial Universidad Surcolombiana. Neiva.

Valencia, Carolina (2004). Pedagogía de las Ciencias Sociales En: Revista de Estudios Sociales No 19. Universidad de los Andes. Educación I. Diciembre, 91-95.

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