Research activities committee

Actividades comité investigación


Revista Paideia Surcolombiana

Projects that have continuity

1. Orientation of the teaching of the Mother Tongue to the development of the communicative competence in Primary and secondary Basic Education. Researchers; Justo Abel Morales- María Teresa Cortés.
2. Design of formation of educational development plans in municipalities of the South-Colombian region. Researchers Miguel A. Tovar, Jesús María Vidal, Lino Muñoz and William Guzmán

3. The pedagogical knowledge in the teachers of the Surcolombiana University. Researcher Nelson E. López.
4. Education in the sovereign state of Tolima. Researcher Jairo Ramírez Bahamón.
5. Longitudinal study of a Physical Education program for preschool. Researcher Luis Armando Muñoz.
6. Significant experiences of Adult Popular Education in Colombia. Coordinator Luis Ignacio Murcia.



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