The coffee sector in Huila, its contribution to competitiveness and the role of education. Period 2020- 2022

El sector cafetero en el Huila, su aporte a la competitividad y el papel de la educación. Periodo 2019-2022


Carlos Harvey Salamanca Falla
Laura Milena Ciceri Nocua
Sindy Vanessa Reyes Garzón

The Department of Huila ranked first in coffee production in 2022, as reported in the management report of the National Federation of Coffee Growers FNC, with 21.3% (2.4 of the 11.7 million 60-kilogram bags) of the total. and an economy on which more than 83,000 families in the 35 producing municipalities depend. However, the level of coffee transformation is very low, even though our department contributed 19.3% of the total export of excellent coffee in the last year.Understanding these new economic dynamics, the department of Huila designed an internal productivity and competitiveness agenda, 2005 revised in 2016, as a strategy to guide the organized development of the region, for which it identified and documented 6 productive bets as the most strategic to strengthen the development of the region and one of them is related to agricultural products and the countryside, where the agricultural sector is led by the cultivation of coffee, which has been ratified in the Social Productive Property Management Plan - POPSP.Despite these efforts in the agricultural sector and specifically in Coffee, departmental competitiveness studies in
recent years place Huila between 15th in 2019 and 12th in the last publication and requires the regional leadership, otherwise public and private, try in terms of relevance, quality, and opportunity of education, to strengthen the business environment and invest in Research and Innovation. In the same way, it is necessary to promote the measurement and follow-up of the impact that efforts may have in improving variables that have an impact on increasing productivity in terms of efficiency in the use of resources,
environmental responsibility, and the knowledge that the members of the units may have. productive and in the case of coffee, coffee families.



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