Transdisciplinarity, transversality and alternative training models

Transdisciplinariedad, transversalidad y modelos de formación alternativos


Deicy Correa Mosquera
Camila María Carlachiani

The purpose of this paper is to present some approaches to the concepts of transdisciplinarity and transversality, which can be considered underlying principles of the construction of training models oriented to the production of new pedagogical practices in higher education that transcend current ways of teaching, which are generally based on aggregate curricula (Bernstein, 1977).

For this purpose, in the first place, reference is made to the relationships between transdisciplinarity and transversality. Second, progress is being made in the conceptualization of what is understood by a model. Third, some considerations are presented about what makes up a transversal training model. Finally, some conclusions and recommendations are drawn up in relation to the importance of promoting transversal thinking in training processes. These points are complex given the diversity of approaches that exist on transdisciplinarity, model, training model and transversal training model and on the isolated treatment of these concepts that have become relevant to higher education, especially for the universitiy,. Hence, the interest in giving a systemic approach to them, trying to establish their vertical and horizontal relationships.



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Author Biographies / See

Deicy Correa Mosquera, Autonomous University of Chihuahua

Autora Principal. Magíster en Educación Superior de la Universidad Santiago de Cali- Colombia. Docente investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (México).

Camila María Carlachiani, National University of Rosario

Coautora. Magíster en Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata de Argentina. Profesora en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina).

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