Study on teaching practices in early childhood in a public educational institution

Estudio sobre las prácticas pedagógicas en la primera infancia en una institución educativa pública


Claudia Patricia Castro Javela

Initial education aims to promote the comprehensive development of children, provide spaces for quality socialization and contribute to training that allows them to acquire, build and share knowledge with their peers through teaching-learning processes and significant experiences. For this reason, all the curricular guidelines and regulations must be analyzed and appropriated by the different educational agents, in such a way that the lives of children are positively impacted, based on disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge where the nature is recognized. learning and social and cultural processes in early childhood.

In this context, the objective of the research was to characterize the pedagogical practices developed in the transition grade of a public educational institution in the city of Neiva, in which, in addition, the coherence between the pedagogical practices used and the curricular bases for initial and preschool education raised by the MEN.

The methodological nature of the research was of a qualitative approach with an ethnographic method and data collection techniques such as structured interviews, observation records and focus groups were used. Based on the findings of the field work with the different audiences (students, teachers, parents and administrators), the information was analyzed, conclusions and recommendations were established that allowed us to analyze and consolidate the nature of the pedagogical practices used by teachers in the transition grade of the institution under study.



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Author Biography / See

Claudia Patricia Castro Javela, South Colombian University

Master in Education from the Surcolombiana University. Co-investigator of the PACA Research Group, Category A of Minciencias of the Surcolombiana University. Neiva huila.

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