Application of psychoanalysis in education

Aplicación del Psicoanálisis en la educación


Martha Isabel Barrero Galindo

Making Reference to the possibility of applying psychoanalysis to education motivates broad discussions. This paper will refer to the positions that defend this possibility to establish later, from the approach of the cross-linking relationship, the way as the concepts of subject, the self, unconscious, drive, mirror stage, cleavage, identity, symptom and child can be applied to the field of education and specifically to pedagogy.

One of the first positions that will appear on this subject argues that it is not possible to create a psychoanalytic pedagogy and even more to pretend the complementarity between psychoanalytic theory and education; Millot affirms that the analytical theory is not conclusive in what pertains to the field of education and Baietto maintains that psychoanalysis for those who teach can not be an activity based on a theory or a doctrine. (MOSCONI, 2008. P 182).



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Author Biography / See

Martha Isabel Barrero Galindo, Universidad Surcolombiana

Docente Universidad Surcolombiana

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