Tablet use in education before the pandemic


Martha Isabel Barrero Galindo Universidad Surcolombiana
Sonia Amparo Salazar Aristizabal Universidad Surcolombiana
José Antonio España Delgado Universidad Surcolombiana

     This documentary review article seeks to publicize the methodological approaches and summarize the information from various investigations carried out in the last decade, about the use of mobile technologies, mainly the tablet in the educational field, before the arrival of the pandemic. This documentary-type descriptive research was carried out through the exploration, organization, systematization and analysis of a series of documents available in various electronic libraries and professional networks for scientists and researchers. After the analysis and discussion, it was found that there is a wide bibliography on technological integration in the classroom, however, it is still essential to develop: larger-scale research, comparative studies on methodologies used for technological integration and delve deeper into what is related to the perception of the educational community, mainly, directors and teachers.



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