Body (path-classroom) to understand-resignify the crisis of living from listening to popular music
This research is a song of the sentient body, a manifestation of feelings present in listening to the popular music of the university-youth-bodies; exposition of a crisis of living that uncovers us in the middle of the plot, in the classroom of life.
It is the construction of a proposal that, from the point of view, tries to decipher the daily relationship between the body and inhabit, claiming the sensitive life as the founding fact of being human. In this sense, he understands that, when the symbolic world is constructed from words and the relationship with things, the aesthetic and poetic aspects of living are defined, woven into the warps of the ecosystemic nature, of the cultural nature and of the affective nature.
Listening to popular music revealed in the form of enraptured, disgusted and subdued bodies that sing unknowingly the civilizational crisis, reveals the deep crisis, that of feeling, the one that asks to leave the figures, the percentages, the statistics, to listen to the body and thus return to the homeland. Body where the crisis of the totality of symbols resides (Noguera, 2012, p. 10), a crisis of listening that shows a dwelling related to the logics of capital, development, and progress.
Method-estésis-Paidagoestésis, encounter with feeling as the path and classroom of life.
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