Building citizenship from the school in the key of the bio-geo-poetics of living

Construyendo ciudadanías desde la escuela en clave de las bio-geopoéticas del habitar


Luz Andrea Lozano Rodríguez
Tobías Rengifo Rengifo María Cristina Arango Educational Institution

The relationship with nature is increasingly mediated by utilitarian interests, therefore, far from respect and recognition of its transcendental nature. This permeates students' ways of seeing and interacting with nature. This research asks eighth grade
students, approximately 15 years old, to express their ways of relating to nature, inhabiting the earth, perceptions about their rights and duties as planetary beings, and how they believe and feel that they can to be citizens despite, or by virtue of, the same crisis. It was necessary to generate discussion spaces through video forums, posed dilemmas, in-depth interviews and focus groups, giving visibility and importance to the students' voice. An attempt was made to interpret these students' stories to facilitate the understanding of their ways of living, in the key of biogeopoetics; understand those ways of living manifested
in their stories, looking for training alternatives that allow reorienting school citizen education in favor of the appropriation of the good life.



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Author Biographies / See

Luz Andrea Lozano Rodríguez

Doctor in Humanities and Arts with a mention in Education from the Universidad del Rosario, Buenos Aires.

Tobías Rengifo Rengifo, María Cristina Arango Educational Institution

Postdoctoral in Social Sciences, Children and Youth, doctor in Educational Sciences, master in Education and Community Development, specialist in University Teaching and Administrative Law.

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