Social interactions between students and their relationship with school violence since the formative process

Las interacciones sociales entre los estudiantes y su relación con la violencia escolar desde el proceso formativo


María Fernanda Pérez Gutiérrez

This article aims to analyze the social interactions between students of educational institutions and their relationship with the different forms of school violence, which provides substantive elements for the structuring of an Alternative Pedagogical Proposal aimed at respecting, preserving and the exercising of the Human Rights, as a device for the intervention and construction of a harmony and peace school. School violence is a phenomenon that has occurred over the years in educational institutions. Most countries in the world have focused on this problem, which has evidenced the development of strategies and proposals in order to reduce the violence acts showed in the Educational Institutions. However, school violence directly affects the emotional, affective, cultural, psychological, personal and social development of children and youth.

In summary, the problem that guides and determines this article is specified in the analysis of social interactions between the students of the Technical Education Institutions IPC Andrés Rosa (public official) and Claretiano School of the city of Neiva (private) and its relationship with the different forms of school violence present in the formative process.



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Author Biography / See

María Fernanda Pérez Gutiérrez, Universidad Surcolombiana

Magíster en Educación, Licenciada en Pedagogía Infantil de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Asistente Académica y Administrativa del Doctorado en Educación y Cultura Ambiental de la Universidad Surcolombiana.


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