Sense of the vocational training process of the student with lower extremity prosthetic system

Sentido del proceso de formación profesional del estudiante con sistema protésico de extremidad inferior


Luis Marino Gallego Murillo

When inclusive education is addressed in the training process, one must go beyond just thinking about including the person, since one must reflect on all those curricular, pedagogical, didactic, and evaluative actions according to the needs of the student. Now, when it comes to the educational needs within the didactics of the physical education and sports program, without a doubt, the limitations and scope of the student to carry out the respective practices must also be considered. With the intention of innovating and contributing to inclusive educational systems at a professional level, a theoretical-practical article is presented based on inclusive education processes experienced during the training of the student with a lower extremity prosthetic system assigned to the physical education and sports program of the Quindío’s University. To do this, a qualitative research and hermeneutic method is presented; where the narration written in life stories, the interview, semi-structured in depth, applied to teachers as classmates, allowed to analyze, understand, and interpret the emerging categories that weave together the representation woven during the training process. As a final product, the meaning of the representation that the student with a prosthetic system wove during the training process is revealed, as well as recommendations to make the Universities, inclusive institutions more committed to the needs of society.



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Author Biography / See

Luis Marino Gallego Murillo, Quindio's University

Doctor of Education from the University of Baja California, Mexico, Master of Education from the University of Caldas, Colombia. Professor at the University of Quindío, (Colombia).
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