Aesthetic approaches to the beds and blankets photographed by Yenny Banesa Bonilla Avendaño

Aproximaciones estéticas a las camas y cobijas fotografiadas por Yenny Banesa Bonilla


Jaime Ruiz Solórzano

The present text of reflection has as purpose to offer an entrance to the understanding to the beds and blankets elaborated by the farmers of the Municipality of Baraya, Huila, that Yenny Banesa Bonilla investigated as a subject of the photographs created as a result of her research-creation project. These photographic images have served to design the cover and illustrations of the present issue of Paidea Surcolombiana Magazine. It is necessary to specify that the aesthetic approach is carried out on the objects created by the farmers, but not on the photographs themselves; this, with the intention of identifying the relevance of the registered theme. In this sense, the materiality of the works is commented, their origin proceeding from the popular creative practices, and their connections with the Pragmatic Aesthetics (Schusterman, 2002), the Relational Aesthetics (Bourriaud, 2004) and the Prosaic Aesthetics (Mandoky, 2006).



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Author Biography / See

Jaime Ruiz Solórzano, Surcolombian University

Candidato a doctor en estudios sociales


Bourriaud, Nicolas (2004). Estética relacional. Buenos Aires: Adriana Hidalgo.

Diccionario Akal de estética. Madrid: Akal.

Escobar, Ticio (2013). Estética de las artes populares. Cuestiones sobre el arte popular. En Xirau, Ramón y Sobrevilla, David. Estética.

Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Filosofía. Madrid: Trota.

Mandoki, Katya (2006). Prácticas estéticas e identidades sociales.

Prosaica Dos. México: Siglo veintiuno-CONACULTA-FONCA.

Souriau, Étienne, et alt (1998).

Schusterman, Richard (2002), Estética pragmatista. Viviendo la belleza, repensando el arte. Barcelona: Idea Books.

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