Folds of cruelty: re/contextualized, radical and metonymic testimonies of domestic violence
The purpose of this essay is to give meaning to the ilustrations in this edition No. 28 of the Paideia Surcolombiana Journal. To this end, I propose a reflection on the ways in wich Colombian artists create images that represent domestic violence, insome of their visual practices. As background, in the introduction I cite two works by the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo (1907-1954, Coyoacán, México City). Then, as outstanding examples at the national level, I mention the re/contextualized testimonies recorded by Claudia Ortiz Prieto (1965, Bogotá). And culminated with the metonymic testimonies created by Gloria Liliana Calderón Torres (1980, Gigante, Huila).
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